Infrared Sauna
Infrared saunas heat your body directly without warming the air around you, unlike a traditional dry sauna which indirectly heats your body by heating the air around you. This key difference makes the temperature inside an infrared sauna tolerable for longer periods of time. This direct approach to heat therapy offers more frequent access to health benefits, including, pain relief, improved circulation, weight loss, stress relief, muscle growth promotion, and more.
Salt Cold/Hot Water Plunges
We have both cold and hot saltwater tubs that can be used for their benefits separately or together. When using the contrast method it will improve blood circulation. This will help with edema, stiff joints, inflammation of soft tissues, muscle spasms, and painful limbs. Hot tub therapy will help stress relief, pain relief, muscle relaxation, or a way to warm up the body before working out. Cold tub therapy will help reduce the degree of exercise induced muscle damage that can occur after physically challenging the body. It will also help build resiliency, restore balance to the nervous system and improve cognitive function and mood.
Compression Therapy
Compression therapy will compress your legs in four different areas (foot/ankle, calf, knee, thigh). This process helps with circulation, by increasing blood flow to those areas. This will encourage your body to deliver more oxygen and nutrients, which in turn may speed up recovery, relieve aches, and improve athletic performance.
Aqua Massage
A hands-free, dry, deep tissue massage that will help with stress relief by providing a relaxing massage with thirty six small jets that pulsate in different patterns and pressure strengths.
The BOD POD is the only Air Displacement Plethysmography (ADP) system using whole body densitometric principles to determine body composition (Fat and Fat-Free Mass) in adults and children.
The REEVUE® measures the oxygen that the body consumes. Using this measurement it calculates a patient’s Resting Energy Expenditure (REE), commonly referred to as a Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR).This will help identify whether you have a slow or fast metabolism for your age, height, & weight. It will give your exact amount of calories you burn at rest the entire day, and provide ranges for your personal caloric deficit, maintenance, and surplus.
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